Dear Recordists:
First, I must apologize if I misunderstood Doug's guidelines for
postings. This message was perhaps too commercial, and I regret making it=
so long. To anyone who feels spammed, I am especially sorry. As a reason,=
not an excuse, for so doing, I will only say: my ISP has messed up the
process for several months of getting my web site running, so although I
would have preferred making a short post and referring all interested folks=
to the web site, I can not do so. Eventually, will
be available, as it is reserved.
At 09:28 AM 9/8/02 -0700, you wrote:
> > Congraulations Marty!
> Any chance a Mac version's in the works?
>Dennis Hysom
Dear Dennis, Bernie, Walt:
Thanks for all the interest! Naturally a lot of people have asked about
Macs, but as you may know, without a very large investment in software
systems, making stuff inter-compatible is impossible, or has been for a
long time. I am certainly looking into it, since a disproportion of
birders and nature recordists use Macs, naturally enough, but I have yet to=
actually meet anyone who does write software for a Mac - whereas PC geeks
like me are all over the place.
My marketer, Kevin Loughlin, of wildside birding and adventure camera, has=
been trying to run it on Macs for several months, using software that
emulates Intel, but has had no luck so far. I have five experts on the
subject in regular contact, and will certainly keep all posted.
RE: Notebook size.
The real disappointment has been, over eight years, to watch as my
illustration list grew from zero to 2160 species, as computers got lighter=
and smaller, and now have REVERSED, getting larger and heavier. I do own a=
2.6 lb Win95 PC Amity that I have used for three years in the field. The
screen is 4 x 6 inches, and the software works perfectly on it in the
field. You basically load the whole CD-ROM onto the hard drive, over 10,000=
files. It is the one computer I own that has never locked up at all,
probably because I neither connect it to the Internet, nor load on new
softwares that screw up the system DLLs.
Birders rebelled when Howell & Webb Mexican bird guide book came out, it
weighs 3.9 lbs and measures: 9 x 6 x 2 inches. Many folks on BirdChat have=
posted they simply won't carry it. The Amity CN measures 9 x 6.5 x 1.5.
Now, you cannot buy small computers that fit into a coat pocket. I need
suggestions. If you go to any web site where notebook computers are sold,=
and try to filter based on weight you cannot. If you call any company that=
MAKES computers, Dell, Gateway, Toshiba, PC Connection, and ask for
whatever notebook they recommend under 4 lbs, they draw a complete
blank. I have actually tried this. Some of the Sony Vaio (?) are small,
and the drives dis-attach, but I need to investigate more.
I know it sounds paranoid, but it really smacks of a marketing conspiracy
to get you to settle for either a Palm-whatever or a large, heavy
notebook. The Palm-whetevers I have looked at all have too few pixel
screens and/or too little RAM for the sound files. So far.
So I now have available, what I consider the ideal digital field guide
ready, and I can only use it on my own antique Mitsubishi Amity CN model 2=
(1997), and none other. What a marketing downer! Suggestions welcome.
my very best,
Marty Michener
MIST Software Associates
PO Box 269, Hollis, NH 03049
EnjoyBirds - the software that migrates with you.
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