olarte1 wrote:
> Hello, I've been working on some files of Bushfinch (Atlapetes Sp. )
> vocalizations. These are long and mostly over 7000hz. Is it possible
> to cut lower frequencies and avoid saving that extra load on the
> files ?
> Even better, could it be possible to ask Cooledit to avoid showing
> certain frequency ranges ?
> If it can be done for a range of higher frequencies, can it be done
> on lower fequencies too? Of course I would like to keep my files on
> the 44.1 khz and 16 bits sampling.
You can, of course, run the track through a cutfilter and remove the
lower frequency audio. But that won't change the filesize at all, only
the actual values stored for each sample, each sample will still take
It's possible to cut filesize on the high frequency end by changing the
sample rate. Any given sample rate will only be able to save frequencies
up to half the sample rate. You save size there as there are less
samples per second.
It's not a matter of what program, but is basic to digital sampling. As
long as you stick with the same sampling rate and don't use compression,
the filesize will stay the same.
I don't know if Cooledit allows setting the sonogram frequency range
displayed, certainly some programs can do this as it's simply a matter
of the programming math. But it won't be changing the samples to do it.