I enjoyed your work very much. Thank You for sharing it.
I am now going through it in more detail using it as an editing
learning tool. You have a lot of techniques used and it is great fun
to try and learn the sound techniques you are using and practice
With time I hope to master some of the subtle recording techniques
you used.
That is of course, everything but the girl. She has a wonderful and
rare voice.
--- In Aaron Ximm <> wrote:
> Hey phonographers, recordists,
> Just wanted to let you all know I just posted the results of the
last few
> months of work at my site: a new 38-minute piece titled "Annapurna:
> Memories in Sound."
> http://www.quietamerican.org/related_annapurna.html
> It's a collaboration between my wife and I, documenting our recent
trek in
> the Annapurna region of Nepal. As I write on that page, it's
intended to
> be a duet between her narration and my soundscapes, which were (of
> course!) composed entirely from field recordings I made as we
hiked. As
> always, no additional sound source was used (except the narration,
> course).
> Credit is due to John Eichenseer (jhno) of Delicate Ear, who helped
> record the narration.
> Best regards, and hope you like it!
> aaron
> http://www.quietamerican.org
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