> Since the USBPre has been brought up by several people, let me add two ce=
> I'm using one with an iBook 466. Using the USBPre as a front end for
> Protools Free 5.0.1 via Sound Manager has been less than satisfactory: ev=
> after jumping through all the recommended hoops of setting TCP to PPP,
> turning off everything in sight, I was still getting occasional gaps in t=
> audio, clicks and pops, etc. On one occasion I got a reversal of channel=
s in
> mid-recording! That one is still unexplained by Sound Devices.
> I have now switched over to use Peak LE software for intake, so I can use
> ASIO instead of Sound Manager as the interface. (Pro Tools Free doesn't =
> ASIO.) Initial results are good, but full testing is yet to happen.
> As for the UA30 from Edirol/Roland: it's versatile, but Sound Manager ma=
> you hate its versatility. Every time you want to change a parameter you =
> to disconnect and reconnect it, and relaunch your application. There are=
> ASIO drivers for the UA30 as well, which may help with that situation. B=
> if they'll do what you need I'd look at the simpler and cheaper new kids =
> Edirol, the UA1A analog and UA1D digital dongles.
Unless, of course you are using both the analog and digital I/O on the
UA-30. Mine amounts to the audio distribution hub for my system. It's
connecting in powered speakers, the Sony MXD-D3 deck, The Portadisc, and
is my headphone output. (the fun thing is I can mix sound from all via
the Roland)
I've seen no problems, and virtually never have to change sound manager
settings. Of course I use only 44k 16bit sampling in stereo.
Only time I got clicks it was with Spark XL, and changing a setting
fixed that. It installed assuming I was running a add on soundcard and
software. Changing the setting to mac soundmanager took care of the problem=
I use Peak VST 2.6, G4 version for input. And am using OS 9.0.4. Is this
some problems I'm going to have to deal with for OS X? I have Peak 3.0
and will test it when I come up with enough time to set up a new OS X
hard disk to test on.