Vassar College is producing a series of half-hour regional radio
programs on the Hudson River, intended for use on its radio
station as well as other stations north and south along the river.
As the producer, I plan to feature a Hudson River Soundscape
segment of about 90 second on each edition.
We are looking for archival recordings of broadcast quality from
which to draw. (We are, of course, familiar with Annea
Lockwood's work.) We are also looking for recordists who live in
the Hudson River Valley who might be interested in making
recordings for the project.
Recordings need not be of the Hudson River per se, but may be
of natural habitats or human-influenced sounds within the
River's drainage. We need the raw sound(s) with your written or
verbal documentation only--we can produce piece ourselves.
A small fee will be paid upon acceptance.
Please contact me for further information:
Marc Breslav
(no sound file attachments please)
>From Tue Mar 8 18:22:12 2005
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 14:09:33 -0500
From: Walter Knapp <>
Subject: Re: Re: again about compression
Dan Dugan wrote:
> What I've done to evaluate the effect of bit rate reduction is to
> take a fine example of nature sound (a bit of a Gordon Hempton CD),
> transfer it digitally to an MD, then transfer that back, again
> digitally, to PCM.
> I can then do blind A/Bs between original and MD copy with my ABX
> setup. No one has been able to distinguish the recordings yet. And I
> can subtract the original and the encoded-decoded, resulting in a
> difference file that is what the encoding took out. An interesting
> experiment.
I take it you managed to find a way around clock syc to get the
difference file. When I tried this using the Portadisc via USB to my G4,
I got a beat frequency in the difference file that basically made it
useless. Did find out the two clocks differed by about 1 cycle every 2.7
seconds or so.
I should try it again using the Roland and see if the results are the same.
Your experience is typical of what's found doing these tests carefully.
The blind testing has worked out this way since ATRAC 4 came in.
What I found when I did the version for the group using a analog
transfer was that the difference file simply contained what appeared by
sonogram to be a attenuated version of the original (or the MD copy).
Which may explain the inability of people to distinguish. It removes the
same thing it keeps. Which is what a good compression method is supposed
to do.