Kevin J. Colver wrote:
<< would it work to use; M - an omni mounted in a parabola, and S - the
standard side mic? Would this bring the subject up close and still
preserve the stereo ambience for a more natural feel? >>
I have used this technique, and it can be quite nice. Used a B&K 4006 omni
in a Sony parabolic dish, and added a Sennheiser MKH30 fig8 several inches
BEHIND the dish. This time-aligns the fig8 with the reflected sound bouncing
off the dish and reaching the omni at the dish's focus.
This works best when you can tripod-mount the dish and get your breath and
heartbeats far enough away that they don't pick up in the fig8....
One place I used this was for a recording of Apis Dorsata giant honeybees 75
feet up in a hive tree in Malaysia for an NPR/Natl Geo Radio Expeditions
piece on honeyhunters. The combination of highly directional mid and general
forest ambi in the sides blended much better than I would have expected.
--Flawn Williams