On that other listserv, about the Metric Halo MIO box, there's been a lot of
talk about the quietness (or relative lack thereof) of the preamps included
with the MIO. People who are close-miking pop sessions love the sound of the
preamps. People who are distant-miking classical music, even with hot-output
condenser mikes, are divided about the noisiness of the pre's.
I haven't heard the box yet, so this is conjecture on my part, but I'd say
the MIO pre's are not going to be ideal with the kind of really-high-gain
nature recordings we like to do. The Metric Halo folks say they are working
on a solution, but haven't made clear whether it'll benefit owners of current
boxes or whether it'll be a fix for hardware yet to come.
The openness of the Metric Halo designers in talking about this with users
has been laudatory, but it does seem like for high-gain requirements they
recommend outboard preamps.
--Flawn Williams