At 07:18 PM 3/26/2002, Rich Peet wrote:
>10 secs is not enough. I need 1 to 3 mins to paint a picture.
I agree - three minutes will give someone the idea, and it will probably
catch most of the players, some of whom don't sing constantly. I also
suggest some standards to make Greg's job easier - say either 44,100/16 or=
22,050/16, 3 minute length, and a complete description of the miking,
recorder, precise location, date and times. These can then be easily
entered into a standardized table for the liner notes.
I might also suggest that we agree on standard copyright language on this
and other group-sponsored projects - something that will protect the rights=
of the pros in the group, so that they might consider contributing, too.
Doug Von Gausig
Clarkdale, Arizona, USA
Nature Recordists e-mail group
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