Can someone give me a list (and maybe some reference web sites if
they exist) of interesting good quality nature sound compilations,
and the artist/ scientists who made them? I have a few of the more
generic artists stuff, but a recent talk by Lang Eliot sparked my
interest in what else might be out there.
I am particulary interested in non-birds/ non-whale species (as those
two topics seem to have been covered extensively). Insects, and frog
species seem to be getting could coverage in the last few years, but
I have no idea what is good or not good quality (as defined with well
thought out plans for what is presented, and how it is presented or
Also please let me know about what rare works to look for as I
frequent the used CD racks at a variety of music stores.
I would also like to see a list of music/ nature fusion artists that
seem to have done a pretty good job. Whatever readers here would