
COG/Canberra Birds Quiz Night this Wednesday evening 15 January

To: 'Canberra birds' <>
Subject: COG/Canberra Birds Quiz Night this Wednesday evening 15 January
From: jandaholland--- via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 21:28:28 +0000

Good morning COG/Canberra Birds members and chat line subscribers, a reminder that COG/Canberra Birds will be having a Quiz Night with Mark Clayton as Quiz Master from 7:30 pm this Wednesday evening 15 January. 


Everyone is welcome.  Full details of the night are below.


While prior registration is not compulsory if you are intending to come but haven’t yet contacted Mark you might like to let him know on so he will have a reasonable idea of the likely numbers.


Could EVERYONE please bring some sort of writing implement.  Mark will have two of his banding team (Marion and Gil Pfitzner) to help mark the sheets after each round.  Tables will be allocated by drawing a coloured ring from a bowl or something.  Mark will reserve the right to split up any team that looks “too strong”.  The prize will be knowing that your team won on the night!!


Once again, many thanks to Mark for offering to run another Quiz Night – we are looking forward to seeing you there to take advantage of the first opportunity for members and quests to get together in 2025.


Jack Holland





Instead of our usual COG Members’ Night the 15 January 2025 COG meeting will be another Quiz Night:




There will be Range of Questions to encourage participation from all levels of bird knowledge.


At the door there will a Draw for Seats at the Tables.


Prior registration is not required but it would be helpful if you could let Mark know on if you intend to come.


If participants want to do some homework Mark suggests that they have a GOOD look through the abridged version of the Australian Bird Guide - the smaller orange covered book as some, but not all, of the answers will be found there. As usual he will have 50 questions covering a selection of weird and whacky topics.



VENUE Woden Valley Uniting Church Hall, off Gillies St, Curtin


Attendees should heed social distancing and good hygiene practice etc, and use their common sense and stay home if they have COVID symptoms.  Mask wearing is recommended.


There is parking for at least 30 cars in the car park off Gillies Street, and further parking in Gillies St itself, or across the road at the Curtin shops.


Please use the entrance on the E side next to the Good Shepherd Anglican Church.


Please bring your own supper and drinks, including alcohol.


A good-sized kitchen with a fridge is available for our use.



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  • COG/Canberra Birds Quiz Night this Wednesday evening 15 January, jandaholland--- via Canberrabirds <=

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