
Gooroo North Spring woodland bird survey

To: "" <>
Subject: Gooroo North Spring woodland bird survey
From: Nicki Taws via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 01:29:47 +0000

The spring woodland bird survey at Gooroo North was held on an overcast but fairly wind-free morning. The reserve was heaving with macropods, but despite that and the dry conditions, there were lovely displays of Creamy Candles and Billy Buttons.


Birdwise, many of the summer migrants were present – Noisy Friarbird, both Gerygones, Rufous Whistler, Leaden Flycatcher, Olive-backed Oriole, Shining Bronze-cuckoo,  but no sacred Kingfisher or White-winged Triller. Highlights included a new species for the surveys – a Channel-billed Cuckoo calling raucously as it flew over, and a flock of White-browed Woodswallow (+/- Masked). A Red-capped Robin was heard calling, and Superb Parrots were seen flying through at a couple of sites.  The most common honeyeater was the Brown-headed Honeyeater at a couple of sites, with only the occasional Yellow-faced heard. Thornbill numbers were low but that is usual for spring.




Nicki Taws

0408 210736


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  • Gooroo North Spring woodland bird survey, Nicki Taws via Canberrabirds <=

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