Several more from the collection I put online a few days ago. again, collect from Wanniassa, or I can bring to a Canberra Birds meeting, an outing or the monthly Coffee and Chat.
Chaffer, Norman. In Quest of BowerBirds. 1984
Steytler, Georgina. For the Love of Birds: Australian Bird Photography. An Australian Geographic large format publication. 2021. Some stunning photographs!
The John Gould Collection from his personal library. 1987 . Has reproductions (6 per page, so quite small) in colour of the Gould lithographs of Australian and New Guinea species, both birds and mammals.
Slater, Peter. Rare & Vanishing Australian Birds. 1978
Ashley, Melissa. The Birdman's Wife. 2016 (Many Canberra Birds members will know this is an excellent book about Elizabeth Gould.)
Skipwith, Peyton. The Great Bird Illustrators and their Art 1730-1930. 1979
Taylor, McComas and Canberra Ornithologists Group. Birds of the Australian Capital Territory: an Atlas.
A Brush with Birds: Australian Bird Art from the National Library of Australia. 2008
Schodde, Richard. The Fairy-Wrens: a monograph of the Maluridae. 1982 (a very large format book)