
More bird books to give away

To: sandra henderson <>
Subject: More bird books to give away
From: Kim Farley via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2024 07:02:47 +0000
Hi Sandra 
Could I have the Wrens and Warblers of Australia with the pics from the Nat Photographic Index? And the Robins and Flycatchers from the same series?

On Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 5:47 PM sandra henderson via Canberrabirds <> wrote:
I've been given a quantity of books by a Canberra Birds member, from her mother's collection.  If there's something you want from the list let me know - I can bring books to meetings/outings/the ANBG mornings - or you can pick up from me in Wanniassa.  

Flegg, Jim.  Photographic Field Guide. BIrds of Australia.  2002 edition.  
Smith, L.H.  The Lyrebirds of Sherbrooke.  1951
Fleay, David.  Nightwatchmen of Bush and Plain. Australian owls and owl-like birds.  1968
Frith, HJ.  Pigeons and Doves of Australia. 1982
The Wrens and Warblers of Australia.  with photographs from the National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife. (Editor in Chief: Vincent Serventy).   1982
Goodwin, Derek. Crows of the World. 1977
Burton, Robert. Bird Behaviour.  1985
Officer, Hugh. Australian Honeyeaters. 1964
Officer, Hugh. Australian Flycatchers. 1969
John Gould Inc. : an ornithologist and his artists.  2004.  Published by the Australian Museum to accompany an exhibition
McGill, Arnold. Australian Warblers. 1969
Graham Pizzey Introduces Stories of Australian Birds. 1983
Slater, P. A Field Guide to Australian Birds. Vols 1 and 2 (1970 - Non-passerines, 1974 - Passerines)
The Life of Birds. David Attenborough DVD (episodes 4-10 on 2 DVDs.)
Beruldsen, Gordon. A Field Guide to Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds. 1980
Wilson, Jim. The Birds of Ireland: a field guide. 2013
Falla, Sibson and Turbott. A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand. 1970 edition
Narosky and Yzurieta. Birds of Argentina and Uruguay: a field guide. 1989
Christian, Margaret. Norfolk Island ...the birds. 2005
Pearce, Barry.  Australian artists, Australian birds.  1989   (has some fabulous illustrations)
Boles, WE. The Robins and Flycatchers of Australia.  1988  (with photographs from the National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife)

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