
Lake Cargelligo sewage treatment works

To: "" <>
Subject: Lake Cargelligo sewage treatment works
From: Philip Veerman via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Sun, 5 May 2024 02:10:03 +0000

It occurs to me that a sign showing “there is no unauthorised access” is a double negative in a literal sense and so it is ambiguous at best. Did any of the people making contact mention that? It could mean no such thing as an unauthorised access, so that any access is authorised (whatever that means – approved?). Presumably it is trying to say that access is not permitted, as distinct from unauthorised access is not allowed. I got tangled even typing this. What do you think? How would they go defending this in a court, if anyone decided to take that action?

Before sending this, I entered “no unauthorised access” into Google. There actually are a lot of references to this and options for clearer signs. Maybe you can consider these.

Maybe not quite as ridiculous as the road signs around Canberra that, with bad spelling included, appear to encourage or instruct people to use their mobile phones whilst driving. “Drive n text UB next”.  As in next what?


From: Canberrabirds [ On Behalf Of Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds    Sent: Sunday, 5 May, 2024 10:54 AM      To: Mark Clayton           Cc:
Subject: Re: [Canberrabirds] Lake Cargelligo sewage treatment works


I have got a ‘holding reply’ but not yet an action one.  I know at least one other birding club has sent letters to booth the tourism office and the Shire.  The more the merrier!



On Sun, 5 May 2024 at 10:44, Mark Clayton via Canberrabirds <> wrote:

Good morning all,

Following on from Kim Farley’s and others comments on the closure of the sewage works, I finally sent my comments to the local council this morning. I am curious to know how many other members of COG also sent an email to the council and how many actually received a reply, and if so what was the outcome. I think the fact that Kim and Sue talked to the tourist people in town could, and should, have a positive response from the council . However I won’t hold my breath waiting!!


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