From: Cogwoodland
<> On Behalf Of Steve Holliday via Cogwoodland
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 4:53 PM
To: ;
Subject: [Cogwoodland] Gooroo South woodland survey Wednesday April 3rd 2024
Prue and I did our autumn woodland survey this morning in excellent conditions. It was mostly sunny, mild and with light winds. The reserve has dried out a lot over the last month with a couple of the smaller dams now water-free, and a
lot of the ground vegetation having browned off. We recorded 43 species for the morning, a decent total for autumn, although only 27 of these were recorded during 10 minutes counts. Small birds were generally scarce during counts, the only mixed flocks were
encountered between sites.
Amongst the more interesting species recorded during counts were a
Brown Falcon and a male Mistletoebird at site 1, a couple of Rufous
Whistlers calling, White-throated Treecreepers heard at sites 7 and 9, a
Superb Parrot at site 6, and a Dusky Woodswallow at site 3. Another 5
Dusky Woodswallows were seen off site. Other incidental records included a
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo, a displaying male Brown Goshawk, a female
Scarlet Robin with a mixed flock that also included thornbills, Silvereyes, Speckled Warblers and
Red-browed Finches, and a Western Gerygone with another smaller mixed flock. There were single records only of
White-eared Honeyeater and Golden Whistler.