Well, one way or other there is certainly a lot of interest in getting a snap or a glimpse of a Little Bittern. A few words about the species, as I see it. They are probably here each year in the warmer months, but to be reported there
needs to be a combination of bird and observer presence - in or very near the dense patches of typha or reed that the species requires. They can be tricky to see, but not always. In eBird, a note by Peter Fullagar says that in June 2014 a COG outing of
30+ participants got good views of the immature at McKellar Wetland.
In Canberra Bird Notes June 2013 is a summary by Steve Wallace of more than an hour’s video of a female seen during Oct/Nov 2012 feeding in front of Bittern Hide. Steve summarises reports up to that time, and also mentions a local breeding
There is a question why, during appearances, the species has offered good views in front of Bittern but only teasingly brief glimpses in front of Cygnus Hide. I believe this is due to the non-hide character of the latter vantage point.
Observers entering or leaving or in the middle are seriously backlit. Complaints about this when the ‘hide’ was reconfigured were ignored. Any medium shyish bird species with eyes will know that this non-hide is the haunt of strange creatures that are taking
a worryingly close interest in them.