Thanks Steve, while in my many Koel observations I can’t recall ever seeing adult Koels on the ground, I thought there may have been one or two examples that I’ve included in my former annual Koel CBN papers. However, I can’t find any
on a relatively quick look, and I may have been confused with Koel fledglings which have been well documented to do so in Canberra, especially when coming to feeding areas or water baths on the ground. Julie Clark’s following of one of her Koel fledglings
over 77 days in her garden published in CBN 45, 311-315 (2020) is a very good example. Regards Jack Holland
From: Canberrabirds <>
On Behalf Of Wallaces via Canberrabirds
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 4:26 PM
To: Canberra birds <>
Subject: [Canberrabirds] Koel on the ground
While in the garden recently, a female Koel landed in a shrub near me and proceeded to the ground. It slowly moved around between the plants, looking around as if searching for food (I did not see it eat anything).
I cannot remember every seeing Koels moving around on the ground like this.