I admit I laughed that you saw 3 Wood Ducks at Holt. I have seen 78 Wood Ducks
at Nerang Pool in Commonwealth Park. It is an area with many flocks of
different birds: Galahs, Corellas, Swamphens, Magpies etc.
Susan Robertson
-----Original Message-----
From: Canberrabirds <> On
Behalf Of John Layton via Canberrabirds
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2023 11:25 AM
Subject: Wood Ducks in Holt
Three Wood Ducks grazing on Holt oval this morning. Still unusual to see them
in that location where I first noticed a pair that seemed to be prospecting for
nesting hollows during late winter two years ago.
Suggestion was made that they were probably displaced by the Ginninderry
development which isn't all that far away as the duck flies.
John Layton
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