
Blitz highlight - and lowlight!

To: 'Rods Gardening' <>, 'Nicki Taws' <>
Subject: Blitz highlight - and lowlight!
From: Geoffrey Dabb <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 22:34:35 +0000

While steering our dragon boat yesterday morning I was keeping an eye out for unusual birds for the COG blitz.  I was about to photograph what I am almost certain was a Northern Shoveler when ‘CRUNCH!’, there was a loud noise and a shout which frightened the duck, which flew off.  This was apparently a kayaker who was pedaling too close to the shore and collided with something.  I am sorry I cannot send you a definite report of this rarity.  Perhaps next year.


Frustrated Bird Ticker and Dragon Boater



From: Canberrabirds <> On Behalf Of Rods Gardening
Sent: Monday, 24 October 2022 10:21 PM
To: Nicki Taws <>
Subject: Re: [Canberrabirds] Blitz highlight - and lowlight!


Saturday morning dawned, miserable rainy conditions as all blitzers would recall, so I wisely decided to abandon my planned Jerrabomberra Creek kayak blitz expedition. Sunday dawned, things looked a little more promising so kayak atop the roof of the Ranger I headed for the East Basin launching area where I managed to snag one of the last parking spots (dragon boaters aplenty there, and good on them!). 


Once on the water I was keeping close to the shore to avoid being run over by one of the said craft when crunch! The Hobie pedals hit a submerged object which turned out to be the concrete edge of the East Basin boat ramp. Damage not irreparable, forward progress possible, so despite the steadily deteriorating conditions I decided press on to Jerrabomberra Creek and still take advantage of the once a year blitz exemption kindly granted by Miriam. Progress made by alternately paddling, then pedalling while trying to ignore the “clunk, clunk, clunk” which came with each push of the pedals.


Past the “no watercraft “ sign, then the two yellow buoys repeating the message. ‘Twas then I encountered the final obstacle - a cable stretched tightly from bank to bank rendering access to the Creek and wetlands impossible - well, to this kayaker at least - and proving beyond doubt the authorities are dead set fair dinkum serious about keeping kayaking hooligans (e.g. moi), out! (Why? Who decided , and what makes the area so sensitive? ) (Sorry,I made several points about this two years ago and I guess  it’s an argument for another forum).


Anyway, back to the blitz  and it was “clunk, clunk, clunk” once again to my next blitz assignment at Molonglo Reach where the current was flowing quite strongly. However it was a difficult assignment due to the increasing rain, wet binoculars, the strong current and my compromised equipment so having seen only a few birds I surrendered about 500 metres in and, defeated once again, let the current sweep me back to the launch area. 


On the way home (via the repair shop) I decided to check out the lower Molonglo at Coombs, had sighted a Nankeen Kestrel while strolling along the path when suddenly a whirring sound as a collective of people riding those one wheel stand up contraptions came hurtling towards me at great speed - a danger not only to themselves but to every man woman child dog etc using the path. They passed, I pushed on, then about 5 minutes later they were hurtling right back at me! So … I surrendered once again and I headed for home, defeated for the third time.


Next year I might put my hand up for something less stressful -  like white water rafting from Coombs down the lower Molonglo…


Cheers (wait, that should be “tears”😢)






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On 23 Oct 2022, at 8:53 pm, Nicki Taws via Canberrabirds <> wrote:

While I dry out my fourth pair of sodden shoes, the lists keep rolling in. It looks like some of the best weather for the weekend was Sunday afternoon and people took the opportunity to sneak in a bit more blitzing.


My highlight was a quick trip to Black Mt first thing this morning, with the vague hope of picking up a Painted Button-quail. Well, fortune favours the early-riser and one PBQ did scuttle across the path in front of me. And nearby a mixed flock of small birds including a Rufous Fantail heading for the hills.


Keep sharing the ebird lists with COG Blitz. Otherwise email your sightings, or let me know if you’re sending datasheets. Thank you all!




Nicki Taws

0408 210736


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