I don’t think this is important but it is curious. I commonly have from 2 to 6 Crested Pigeons feeding on my back lawn. At any stage of the day it is likely that there are 10 to 20 Crested Pigeons perching on the power lines at the back
of my neighbour’s yard. Flying in from any direction to assemble there. The power lines are continuous at the back of my yard but the Crested Pigeons never perch on the lines at the back of my yard. Nor have I ever seen one perch in my big tree. I asked my
neighbour does he feed them. Absolutely no, he says. He hates them because they poop all over his yard furniture and in his pool. Several times a week I drive along Athllon Drive and turn left onto Learmonth Drive (or the other way). At almost any time there
are likely to be many (sometimes 50 or more) Crested Pigeons perching on the power lines on the east side of Learmonth Drive. Often with flocks of Little Corellas and Magpie-larks. I have never seen any perching on the power lines on the west side of Learmonth
Drive. In both cases there is nothing obvious to me as to why they should make that choice and keep to it. This has been consistent over many years.
Kambah ACT 2902