
Y ellow-faced Honeyeaters still on the move

To: 'Jean Casburn' <>, 'Canberra birds' <>
Subject: Y ellow-faced Honeyeaters still on the move
From: Alison <>
Date: Sat, 1 May 2021 05:25:51 +0000

A fairly constant stream across Callum Brae on Thursday. Sometimes flying in from one direction, landing to rest a minute or two then heading back the way they came.


Watched them for half an hour or so drinking and bathing in one of the dams. A few hundred at least. A scattering of White-napeds at the dam.




From: Canberrabirds On Behalf Of Jean Casburn
Sent: Saturday, 1 May 2021 10:17 AM
To: Canberra birds <>
Subject: [Canberrabirds] Y ellow-faced Honeyeaters still on the move


While outside 10.30am for 20 minutes, scattered flocks of YFHE moved over Tullaroop Street Duffy calling. Estimated number 60.


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