Dear Canberra region birders.
As you will know we had to post-pone the 2020 Great Inland Glossy Count due to the wet weather the region was experiencing in October.
However, the postponed Great Inland Glossy Count is going ahead as planned this month. Dates for the surveys this year (2021) are as follows:
- 13 February - Pilliga Forests and surrounds (registrations close on 10 February)
- 20 February - Goonoo National Park and surrounds (registrations close on 17 February)
- 27 February - Goobang National Park and surrounds (registrations close on 24 February)
This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have had to make some changes to the way we deploy people to the field to ensure we meet the restrictions to reduce the spread of the virus. Hence, all participants
are required to register via the NPWS Volunteer portal.
Registered participants will be emailed a map and instructions the week of the event that identify their allocated survey site plus supporting documentation. Participants will then be required to make their own
way to the allocated survey site by 6pm on the day of the count and conduct the survey. By taking this approach, we will reduce large gatherings during the event with small teams of people working at each site. A member of the project team will be on call
during each count to provide assistance should you run into strife during the event.
Details about the count and links to the registration portal can be found at
If you have any questions please email either May Fleming (m("","May.fleming");">)
or myself (m("","Adam.Fawcett");">).
Adam Fawcett
Senior Project Officer (SOS)
Northern Inland Branch
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)
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