On 15 November Susan Robertson wrote:
I have been in Adelaide and Sydney recently as well as being at home in Campbell (ACT). I have become more and more concerned and annoyed by the increasing numbers and increasingly dominant presence of Noisy
Miners in all these places. The adults can be aggressive to people and to other birds. They can threaten the well-being of other birds and kill baby ones. I know that they are a native species and so are automatically protected by law. Is there is any possibility
that these birds could be reduced in numbers?
I draw attention to the brilliant ANU doctoral research conducted by Richard Beggs on Noisy Miner eradication in rural areas:
- Beggs, R 2020, 'Declining small woodland birds: is removing noisy miners the answer?', PhD thesis, ANU,
- Beggs, R, Tulloch, AIT, Pierson, J, Blanchard, W, Crane, M & Lindenmayer, D 2019, 'Patch-scale culls of an overabundant bird defeated by immediate recolonization',
Ecological Applications, vol. 29, no. 3, p. e01846,
Not the findings we would have preferred, but valuable research.
Best wishes - David
David McDonald
1004 Norton Road, Wamboin NSW 2620, Australia
Tel: (02) 6238 3706 | Mobile: 0416 231 890
E-mail: m("dnmcdonald.id.au","david");">
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