I’ve decided to re-send this note which I posted over a week ago but it seems to have fallen into the
black hole
and not returned. This location often presents some interesting records.
Upon entering the gate about twenty big white blossom birds flew up shattering the grave-yard stillness. As the cockies issued out across an adjacent paddock another twenty or so, together with a smattering of Galahs, rose to join
them and the mob swooped about the sky in wild abandon. Thirty seconds later they closed ranks, described a wide semi circle and struck off in the direction of Hall. When the tumult and the squawking died other birds departed for a while but as activity picked
up I checked off 18 species over 45 minutes.
A Pallid Cuckoo prostrate and still as stone near the end of a dead horizontal limb. I’ve occasionally noticed them in this posture before and wonder if it’s a gravid female keeping a nest under surveillance until the time is ripe
to move in, lay and leave. Perhaps this is common knowledge ... dunno ... too lazy, I mean tired, to check my books.
A male Flame Robin perched on a fence, his red plumage positively glowing in the morning sun. Given it’s spring, he was probably heading back to the snow gum woodlands.
Five Superb Parrots flying overhead towards Belconnen.
Ten or more Tree Martins flying around and through a large gum tree, but I didn’t notice any alight.
Seven Varied Sittellas brought someone else’s analogy to mind, “... feathered mice scampering down a rough-hewn grandfather clock.”
John Layton