Dear fellow birdwatchers
The COG Blitz is on again this year October 24-25. For the past 14 years Barbara Allan has put in an enormous effort to organise the Blitz each year and is now, justifiably, feeling like it is time for a break. With her assistance in the
background, I will be organising this year’s Blitz.
This year, after the drought and bushfires of 2019-20, it is more important than ever that we collect Blitz records.
The blitz has been running since 2005 and the 14 years of data we have forms a useful benchmark against which to measure the impact and eventual recovery of birdlife across the ACT. We have the opportunity to make
our blitz surveys particularly focused to get the maximum value out of the data in terms of fire/drought impacts.
The Blitz aims to survey birds over as much of the ACT as possible in the one weekend. This year we have the added challenge of large areas of fire-affected Namadgi being closed to the public,
however we are hoping to arrange special access with park rangers to some of these areas. There are some fire-affected areas that are open to the public, but we also need all the unburnt areas of the ACT to be covered.
So, have a think about your favourite birding locations, or somewhere new that you would like to Blitz over the weekend. More information, including a list of sites to ‘adopt’, can be found at
Please email me your chosen area and I will put your name against it-
This list and other information will be updated regularly. Get in touch if you have any questions.
Nicki Taws
0408 210736