I live in nearby Lyons and we are receiving visits by Superb Parrots, generally late in the afternoon. They are feasting on the seeds
of ash trees.
From: calyptorhynchus . <>
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2020 2:08 PM
To: Canberra Birds <>
Subject: [canberrabirds] Superb Parrots commuting
I sent this email to someone individually about a week ago, but thought i’s forward it as I have observed sps continuing to do this.
“I work on the tenth floor of the Sirius Building in Woden looking north and in the past few days I have noticed several parties of sps commuting between Hughes and a destination to the south, and in reverse.
They move from Hughes across the main road and then move up over Lyons heading south, they come back the same way. They seem to be traveling both ways at any time of day.
I think this adds evidence to the theory of the Hughes/ Federal Golf Course population commuting to the south to feed.”
John Leonard
‘There is kinship between people and all animals. Such is the Law.’ Kimberley lawmen (from Yorro Yorro)