Quite often one hears of people finding interesting birds while their vehicle is being serviced. I had such expectations while cycling home from Fyshwick this morning, choosing a route that I thought might prove to be
a notable Nature Trail. My plan was to pass through the small complex of businesses between Canberra Ave and the Monaro Highway and attack Lower Narrabundah by way of the new wetlands. I knew there was a concrete pathway under Monaro Highway running alongside
Jerra Creek. As it happened that whole section of Jerra Creek between Hindmarsh Drive and the Monaro Highway proved to be impassable either because of blackberries or water, even in these dry times. The path I was looking for was on the other side. I had
to retrace my route and follow Canberra Ave. Birds? Nothing you wouldn’t expect. No shortage of blackbirds. Not even a koel until Lower Narrabundah.