
FW: [canberrabirds] Fwd: ABC News: 'Instagrammable' glamping plan for na

To: "" <>
Subject: FW: [canberrabirds] Fwd: ABC News: 'Instagrammable' glamping plan for national park enrages the people who're paying for it
From: Geoffrey Dabb <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 06:26:52 +0000

A picture containing animal

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From: Martin Butterfield <>
Sent: Thursday, 7 November 2019 3:53 PM
To: David Rees <>
Cc: sandra henderson <>; Cog line <>
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Fwd: ABC News: 'Instagrammable' glamping plan for national park enrages the people who're paying for it


The feeling in the Eden region,  as reported in Mallacoota, is certainly that areas currently accessible by people such as members of COG would be only accessible to the clients of the Glamping company.  I suspect the fear is that users of the facilities will be international tourists and all their needs will be serviced by people from Sydney or Melbourne whereas low key visitors will use facilities in the local towns.


I have severe doubts that a change of State Government would derail this as the alternative is just as 'tricky' and just as uninterested in such trivia as National Parks..


Martin Butterfield



On Thu, 7 Nov 2019 at 14:42, David Rees <> wrote:

Cornering, yes,  but the devil in in the detail here, esp. with a 'tricky' State Govt involved, and don't forget while we are users, many of us are not voters in NSW.  It may or may not mean that certain areas are closed off, but certain facilities will certainly be available to high paying guests.  How this interacts with current usage and facilities is not reported here.  One to watch though.


On 7/11/2019 2:06 pm, sandra henderson wrote:

news item on the plans for Green Cape (which will mean COG will no longer be able to run our very popular trips to the lighthouse cottages)

A taxpayer-funded plan to commercialise parts of a NSW national park, which would lead to some areas becoming off-limits to casual users, has infuriated locals, businesses and bushwalking groups.

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  • FW: [canberrabirds] Fwd: ABC News: 'Instagrammable' glamping plan for national park enrages the people who're paying for it, Geoffrey Dabb <=

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