
Rather unusual arrivals

To: "" <>
Subject: Rather unusual arrivals
From: Mark Clayton <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 00:36:56 +0000

Meant to send this to the chatline last week. The P-eD were present with their ducklings last Saturday and Sunday when I took a Canadian birder to Kellys. Also present were the 3 species of crake and a potential immature Lewn's rail that just would not show itself completely


At Namadgi Visitors Centre later on Sunday at least one male Painted Honeyeater was present calling at the top of his voice.

On 6/11/2019 11:13 am, Geoffrey Dabb wrote:

Recorded last week, apparently, but pointed out by Alastair this morning on the Adelaide side of Kelly Swamp.  I also have a report that someone has been taking their camera into the semi-vegan café at the wetlands and showing the staff bird photos.


A flock
              of seagulls are swimming in a body of water
              Description automatically generated 

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