Funny or not that Geoffrey and I have come up with parallel advice. Of course wind is also true but there is also that speed of a flying bird, as we would perceive,
it is dependent on simple mathematics of the distance, the size of the bird, and the trajectory angle of their travel relative to the observer. The two species do however have a different style, shape and markings.
From: Philip Veerman [
Sent: Saturday, 2 November, 2019 9:05 AM
To: 'Jean Casburn'; 'canberrabirds'
Subject: RE: [canberrabirds] Q: Peregrine or Hobby speed of flight?
Actually on level flight that is not something that you can use as a reliable guide. They will both fly fast on level flight. In top gear level flight Peregrines
are probably faster but not to the extent that you could necessarily tell them apart at a distance. The speed for which the Peregrines are famous are the stoop, which is very distinctive. and apart from a short chase downwards sometimes, the Hobby doesn’t
do that. Hobbies only rarely fly slowly on level or soaring flight, whereas Peregrines regularly do.
An interesting Q, Jean. We are not speaking here of the fabled swoop of a plummeting falcon, but of birds in level flight. The difficulty of recording speeds over a short distance means that there are no reliable comparative numbers.
A strong breeze can also affect apparent speed by 100kph or more, depending whether the bird is flying with or against the wind. I do not wish to appear unhelpful, but my own inclination would be to avoid apparent speed as the basis for a conclusion that
an otherwise unidentifiable bird is a peregrine falcon rather than a hobby.
From: Jean Casburn [
Sent: Saturday, 2 November, 2019 8:25 AM
To: canberrabirds
Subject: [canberrabirds] Q: Peregrine or Hobby speed of flight?
This morning seen in the distance a
bird with very pointed wings flying very fast
and strongly – at first I thought Hobby, but on second thought the speed was so fast
maybe Peregrine. Do any watchers know
if a Hobby can fly
as fast as a Peregrine?
Noisy Friarbirds have invaded my location, along with Red Wattle Birds noisy Yellow-faced
Honeyeaters, Silvereye and of course Blackbirds – all calling, clearly heard with widows open. Frequent chasing flapping
of wings,
snapping bills,
and even screams of terror from the Friarbirds at times.