An interesting Q, Jean. We are not speaking here of the fabled swoop of a plummeting falcon, but of birds in level flight. The difficulty of recording speeds over a short distance means that there
are no reliable comparative numbers. A strong breeze can also affect apparent speed by 100kph or more, depending whether the bird is flying with or against the wind. I do not wish to appear unhelpful, but my own inclination would be to avoid apparent speed
as the basis for a conclusion that an otherwise unidentifiable bird is a peregrine falcon rather than a hobby.
From: Jean Casburn <>
Sent: Saturday, 2 November 2019 8:25 AM
To: canberrabirds <>
Subject: [canberrabirds] Q: Peregrine or Hobby speed of flight?
This morning seen in the distance a dark bird with very pointed wings flying very fast and strongly – at first I thought Hobby, but on second thought the speed was so fast maybe Peregrine. Do any watchers know if a Hobby can fly as fast as a Peregrine?
Noisy Friarbirds have invaded my location, along with Red Wattle Birds noisy Yellow-faced Honeyeaters, Silvereye and of course Blackbirds – all calling, clearly heard with widows open. Frequent chasing flapping of wings, snapping bills, and even screams
of terror from the Friarbirds at times.