The Annual October Percival Hill walk once again rewarded the ten enthusiastic walkers with a dramatic sighting, this time a Boobook Owl, with predatory intent, creating a great commotion, hassled by Magpies,
Red Wattlebirds and Mudlarks. Thirty species were observed on Percival Hill plus another ten on Gungahlin Pond while we were gathering on the dam wall before ascending the hill. The highlight on the Pond was a Musk Duck quite close to the wall. Other highlights
on Percival Hill were Striated Pardalotes entering nesting holes in the old growth forest on the Western side. Also active around the largernesting holes were Eastern and Crimson Rosellas and a nesting Magpie driving off Kookaburras thinking about predating.
Golden Whistlers were particularly active on the hill as were several species of thornbill. All in all, a successful and interesting walk. John Harris.