I took a longish walk around Callum Brae yesterday, in the middle of the day. The bush has thickened up considerably since the sheep were removed, the kangaroos being less repressive of sapling growth. This is prime MFF country, with a
few small flocks seen, all of the Grey Fantail-weebill-pardalote combination. At one point, in the one large tree, those were found together with a pair of W-t Gerygones and 2 Rufous Whistlers, a male and a juvenile. Being summer visitors, those are not
typical MFF participants and did not move off with the flock, so the group as a whole is to be classified as a TMA (‘Temporary Mixed Aggregation’). The young whistler played Carry the Katydid for several minutes. If an adult it might have been put down as
‘Carrying Food’ in the technical sense. The whistlers were probably OTM (‘on the move’). Not sure about the gerygones.