
another grasshopper take off

To: Con Boekel <>, "<>" <>
Subject: another grasshopper take off
From: David Rees <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 22:03:42 +0000

Have played with a few small birds.  Yes, quite a few drop (jump) from perches to gain speed before opening their wings, even some 'big' passerines do it, like this European Magpie  With birds from the ground there is quite a bit of jumping involved.  Need to play with the camera to see what interesting results I can get.  In some ways birds will be easier as they are so much slower relative to size than something like a locust.  To nail locusts like that you need lots of light to get depth of field and as short an exposure as possible. Lens used was not the best for this job but is what have.


On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 8:40 AM Con Boekel <> wrote:

Nice sequence!

Interesting to check the comparison with birds launching.

Do all of them launch before deploying the wings?

That is certainly the case with small passerines which routinely leap
into space before unfurling.

But what about larger birds launching from the ground?



On 2/6/2019 9:39 PM, David Rees wrote:
> seems you all liked the first one, here is a very different one

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