Hi Lindsay, Its clearly a SBB, one of two species of bandicoots which previously occurred in the ACT region and some people think maybe still be present naturally but if so, extremely rare. It is
common to have obs reported from Tidbinbilla, as wild, that were in face inside enclosure fences. However SBB are good at escaping and have done so previously at Tidbinbilla. They are very unlikely to survive for long outside the fences due to predation by
cats and foxes. At one time there was suspected to be a small number persisting outside the fence. This would be surprising and important but was never confirmed. Perhaps it was just an ongoing trickle of escapees. So the exact location of your obs could
be of interest, if you can determine that. Especially if this was a wild juvenile, and even if not, such photographic records are welcome on Canberra Nature Map (CNM), (but the location must be known).
On CNM the location is automatically extracted from the exif information in the photo if the photo was taken in a device with ‘location’ turned on, such as a mobile phone. Alternatively the location
can be provided manually. If you cant post your photos to CNM for any reason, I could do for you if you have the exact location.
Cheers, Don Fletcher
From: John Bundock <>
Sent: Sunday, 27 January 2019 7:39 PM
To: ; COG-L <>
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Not a Bird but what is it?
There are southern brown bandicoots at Tidbinbilla. They are usually found in The Sanctuary (wetlands area). They have relatively short tail. It's probably obscured in the
photo. They're running free and not fed by staff.
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