Hi John,
Spittlebug (aka froghopper) nymphs produce foam like you describe.
On 16/01/2019 11:16 am, calyptorhynchus wrote:
This morning Hughes Oval had flecks of foam all over it, flecks that ranged in size from a ten cent coin to a small plate. I don’t think it had anything to do with application of chemicals to the oval as the distribution of foam was random,
some areas had no flecks, they were thicker in others (and it appeared in the early morning).
Has anyone seen anything like this, i’m Assuming it’s some invertebrate secreting the foam.
John Leonard
John Leonard
‘There is kinship between people and all animals. Such is the Law.’ Kimberley lawmen (from Yorro Yorro)
Paul Taylor Veni, vidi, tici -
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