They were back in Corroboree Park this morning between 7 and 8 am (at least), in the
E. mannifera.
And at about 7.45, there were at least 7 feeding on the ground in the gully at the Fisher St entrance to Mt Ainslie.
At c. 9 am, for a few seconds, 5 or so young ones (?) flew into our avocado tree (no fruit still on it), 100 m or so from Corroboree Park , and then were on and off the powerlines and other neighbouring trees.
From: Rods Gardening
Sent: Thursday, 10 January 2019 9:24 AM
To: Robin Hide
Cc: Canberra Birds
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Superb Parrots at Corroboree Park
Yesterday there were at least 6 in the trees at MacArthur Place in O’Connor, first time I’ve seen them there in the nearly 20 years I’ve been going there. After a few fly overs, last seen at about 9.30 am heading towards Northborne Avenue,
perhaps their destination was Corroboree Park?
On 9 Jan 2019, at 8:36 pm, Robin Hide <> wrote:
This morning (at c.10.15 am) there were about 10 Superbs feeding in a Eucalyptus street tree on the corner of Toms Crescent and Corroboree Park (Ainslie). Included some begging young being fed by adults.
The first time I’ve seen them in this street.
Some were in and out of an E. mannifera across the street on the edge of the Park, but I’m not sure of the species of the E. tree they were feeding in.
Robin Hide