
New bird in GBS area

To: "" <>
Subject: New bird in GBS area
From: Mark Clayton <>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 04:15:18 +0000

Afternoon all,

I was working in the backyard about half an hour ago in this glorious weather (I won't start an argument as to whether it is still winter or is now spring) but cleaning up my woodpile I heard the very distinct call of a Spotted Dove (Spotted Turtle-Dove for those not up to scratch with bird names) coming from a neighbour's yard. I couldn't actually see the bird as the area the call was coming from was screened by a dense hedge of Photinia bushes. I normally throw a bit of seed around for the local Crested Pigeons so if this dove follows them in, I will do my best to catch it and donate the specimen to the ANWC. It will, I think, be the first specimen of this species from the ACT if I get it.

The closest I have seen this species to my yard in Kaleen is adjacent to the "Large" McKellar Pond off William Slim Drive in Giralang. It is another unwanted exotic species in the local area!


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  • New bird in GBS area, Mark Clayton <=

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