Hello subscribers, as you may have read in my summary of my Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (SCCs) roost census counts I’ve just posted on this chat line, for many years I have had SCCs come over our place in Chauvel Circle in the NW of Chapman, going towards
the suburbs in the morning and towards the Chapman horse paddocks in the evening. I used to think the latter roost flight was going to the Cotter but looking at it more closely on the maps it’s in a WSW direction towards the Murrumbidgee River/Bullen Range
mid way between the Cotter and Kambah Pool.
At least that’s if they fly in a straight line, certainly taking a dog leg to the right can’t be ruled out. Does anyone have any recent information if there is a roost at the Cotter, I remember observing one there many years ago which was part of the
basis for my belief that they roosted there?
Many thanks
Jack Holland