It seems that any bird with an apostrophe in its name is not working properly – the data graphs and maps don’t show. We’re aiming to fix this in about 10 days.
From: Julian
Robinson [
Sent: Saturday, 7 July 2018 2:28 PM
To: canberrabirds chatline
Subject: [canberrabirds] New bird data available on website
The bird list on the COG website has been updated to the new ACT checklist and the data files have been updated to most recent information, with cleaner presentation, easier to access and some more information.
(Thanks to Jaron for the data pages and excellent presentation, Paul for organising and David for the new (1997) checklist).
The data for most species includes distribution maps, breeding, time of year, reporting rate over the years … and more.
To use, go to , choose a bird then click on the
graph symbol at far right. You will get (see below) a page with several
tabs on top leading to the various graphs, maps and tables. Note there is a second set of tabs under the first on most pages to access more info.
You can sort the bird list by taxonomy or alphabetically etc using the header at the top of the list, or the taxonomy link.
Please let me know of any errors or omissions you find.