This is the location I mentioned on 29 June. The below cropped photo shows the extent of the relocated flock with a wide-angle lens. I then photographed sections
of it with a full frame camera and 300mm lens (similar resolution to above photo, showing extent of concentration and individual birds). I eliminated the overlaps and counted each bird. The result was 509, with an estimated up to 100 out of view over the
rise, based on seeing the birds in flight relocating. I am not questioning Ryu’s higher estimate, as that is more like the numbers seen in flight a few weeks ago. The lights of the baseball arena (home of the Canberra Cavalry) can be seen nearby, and the
large roosting eucs near the Boomanulla sports complex are in the background. The photos were taken from the verge of Hindmarsh Drive. Fencing and private land prevents access to this area from the Boomanulla side.
From: Lindell Emerton [
Sent: Saturday, 7 July 2018 9:54 AM
To: Ryu Callaway
Cc: COG Chat
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Another large Corella Flock
I drove by about 10am and they were still there - the whole paddock behind the little dam was white. I couldn't have even estimated how many and wasn't able to photograph them either.
Sent from my iPad
On 7 Jul 2018, at 9:47 AM, Ryu Callaway <> wrote:
My mum observed feeding on property on Narrabundah corner of Monaro X Hindmarsh at 9am yesterday, I would estimate 1000 birds from video.