
FW: PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed die-off, magpie - Australia: (WA)

To: Bill Hall <>
Subject: FW: PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed die-off, magpie - Australia: (WA)
From: Martin Butterfield <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 23:39:05 +0000
How on earth do you diagnose a Magpie as suffering from depression?  

On 13 April 2018 at 09:35, Bill Hall <> wrote:

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <>

Date: Wed 11 Apr 2018
Source: Hills Gazette [edited]

Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Lesmurdie reported that "a new or
unidentified disease" had besieged magpies. "Our 1st casualty appeared in
December [2017] and by the end of March [2018] we received
14 cases," the post read. "Affected magpies have a 50-50 chance of

The [clinical signs] included progressive weakness in the legs and wings,
clenched feet, inability to stand, neurological deficiency (not defensive,
poor response to visual stimuli, poor swallow reflex), weak neck,
respiratory distress, excessive thick oral mucous, and weight loss (thin or

According to Kanyana, it was too early to know what caused the disease and
how it was being spread but encouraged people to keep an eye on magpies and
bring any birds to the centre if they showed similar signs.

A Perth Zoo spokeswoman said it had received reports of several "black and
white" bird deaths, which resembled cases in New South Wales between 2001
and 2006 of a neurological syndrome in the birds. "The WA birds are
presenting with neurological signs and have a typically poor prognosis due
to rapid deterioration," she said. "Other anecdotal signs reported include
depression, some degree of leg paralysis and mucous discharge."

Perth Zoo senior veterinarian Simone Vitali said post mortem examinations of
the birds were being undertaken, with additional testing to investigate
possible infectious causes for the deaths.
"Sick birds and dead birds have not been concentrated to a single
geographical location, and the findings so far do not point to a poisoning
event," she said.

"Some of the cases so far examined in Perth have some parallels with this
condition (in the eastern states) but investigations are ongoing to
determine if we are seeing a similar syndrome."

Testing is being conducted by Perth Zoo and the Department of Primary
Industries and Regional Development.

[Byline: Lauren Pilat]

Communicated by:
ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts

[The causes underlying bird die-offs could be several, and there is need of
post mortem examination and other steps of a thorough outbreak investigation
to be able to speculate possible reasons. Hopefully the results of the
postmortem examinations and associated tests will shed some light on the
etiology of this syndrome. - Mod.PMB

HealthMap/ProMED-mail map:
Western Australia, Australia: <>]

[See Also:
Undiagnosed deaths, avian - USA: (WA) seagulls, RFI
Die-off, avian - Australia (02): (QL) kite, clarification
Die-off, avian - Australia: (QL) kite]
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