There'll be a proper trip report and some photos in the May issue of Gang-gang in a few weeks, but briefly...
14 COG members and our host John from Wanganella had three days of great birdwatching around Deniliquin, Mathoura and Wanganella. Much of our time was spent on areas not normally accessible. Seeing a Plains Wanderer (thank you Terry B
for spotting this bird) was undoubtedly the highlight, but some others worthy of a mention included:
Chestnut-crowned Babblers,
Barn Owls (TWO flushed from a dead tree by our host John, on his property),
dozens of Southern Whiteface and about 90 White-fronted Chats near our campsite,
thousands of Plumed Whistling Ducks at the Deni sewage works,
an Azure Kingfisher which kept us company at lunch near Mathoura,
flocks of White-browed Woodswallows,
the best possible views of a Stubble Quail wandering around near us,
dozens of Banded Lapwings.
A good time was had by all.