I agree that Lars Jonsson's 'Birds of Europe', which includes the UK, is excellent, but it is a bit long-in-the-tooth now.
I use the 'Collins Bird Guide' iPhone app, and recommend it to those who find this format satisfactory. The 2015 print version has an excellent reputation, thoughI have not used it:
https://www.nhbs.com/collins-bird-guide-book .
On 2018-03-16 18:04, Sue Beatty wrote:
Hi All,
I’m hoping some of you will have advice as to the most useful field guide for Britain and Europe – there appear to be many with a similar title! I’ll want one that has a good online version. I’m going to Spain, Portugal and England and
Wales, but just want the one field Guide. I’m not on a specialised birding trip, but everywhere I go I notice the birds and want to know what I’m looking at. I might even be game to put a few lists in eBird from there! Any suggestions are welcome.