The neglected out-of-town follower of this chatline is overdue for an update on Kelly Swamp. If in the overseas category you might be suffering from the extremes of the northern winter, while we here are finding things a little hottish.
The below scene is the result of a visit this morning, and is the prospect to your left from what we call Ardea Hide (you will soon pick up these useful labels when you visit). All the birds shown were there except the swans, that I thought might be of interest
if you are in the northern hemisphere. The perched birds, mere dots in the landscape shot, will be identifiable from the hide through binoculars. (It is customary to mutter ‘What’s that up there?’ as you raise them.) In this scene I have taken the liberty
of adding a WOTSIT. This is something offered because it presents a visual ID issue of some degree of difficulty. You might find this strange when straightforward pictures can be challenging enough, but we do quite a lot of it here. I shall be interested
to learn how you get on with this one.