I had a family of two female and one male magpie in the park behind me for many years. Both females nested and regularly had four chicks each though not all
survived. On their last breeding five chicks survived, but sadly one female was killed chasing off an intruder (both female and intruder hit by a car presumably). With the loss of numbers a new family moved in and kicked my family out. Interestingly, I’ve
noted that the fledgings don’t participate in the territory wars.
Alison M
From: mariko buszynski [
Sent: Wednesday, 25 October 2017 5:00 PM
To: canberrabirds
Subject: [canberrabirds] Three Magpie fledgelings
Hi all,
Threesome Magpies are visiting our garden for some time. One male and two females felt confident enough to bring their three fledgelings. I have seen Magpies with two babies and their parents attending to them. But three seems to be
very rare. Are they offsprings of two female magpies?