May I introduce the out-of-town chatline subscriber to the curiously labelled ‘Trucking Yard Lane’? This short thoroughfare on the outskirts of Bungendore has a farm on one side and new housing on the other. The below wide-angle photograph
is taken from a position on the lane about 80 metres from the intersection with Hoskinstown Road which adjoins the farm property on the eastern side. On the overhead graphic the position is shown by a blue star. From that position it is possible to make out
the earth-banks of 2 farm dams that are frequently mentioned in reports to this chatline. I have labelled one (near the house and used by the much-reported Whistling-Ducks) ‘Home Dam’; the other, usually viewed from Hoskinstown Road, I have labelled ‘Paddock
Dam’. The relevant field of view from the blue star has been shaded pale green. The purpose of this is to indicate in a following graphic the remarkable number and variety of birds that can be seen from that one spot.