
Fw: Recording the songs of female birds - a citizen science project

To: "" <>
Subject: Fw: Recording the songs of female birds - a citizen science project
From: Naomi Langmore <>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 04:17:21 +0000

Dear COG members,

I tried to send you a magazine article about a new citizen science project on the songs of female birds (see email below), but it was too big for the list. Please contact me directly if you'd like to read it and/or please see the website below for an introduction to the 'Female birdsong' project if you're interested.

all the best,


From: Naomi Langmore
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2017 11:11 AM
To: 'COG Chatline'
Subject: Recording the songs of female birds - a citizen science project
Dear COG members,

Please find attached an article sent out to American Birding Association members this week, requesting their participation in a citizen science project to document the songs of female birds. While this article was written for birders in the U.S., the request is equally relevant to Australian birdwatchers. Recent research shows that the females of most passerines sing, which will come as less of a surprise to Australian than American birders. This project aims to document which species have female song and ideally to gather recordings of female song. If you would like to help with this please visit the 'Female birdsong' website or facebook page, details below.


Facebook page: Female Bird Song Project -

Twitter: Female Bird Song @femalebirdsong -

More detail on these resources:

The website is intended to give background and tools for citizen scientists interested to contribute female bird songs to biological collections.

The Facebook page we hope will be a forum to make each other and citizen scientists aware of ongoing female bird song research and current findings. I intend this to be a place for all of us to post new popular and academic articles, as well as any other news items relevant to female bird song.

Anyone can submit a post to the Facebook page, so feel free to post new research articles, popular articles, news, or conference items related to female bird song. 

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