Prue and I did our first woodland survey for the year in cool, partly cloudy conditions this morning. 45 species were recorded, with 37 found during 10 minutes counts.
Most sites had relatively few small birds although we did have mixed flocks at a couple. These contained the usual suspects such as Spotted and Striated Pardalotes, Yellow-rumped and Buff-rumped Thornbills,
Scarlet Robins, Grey Fantails, White-eared and Brown-headed Honeyeaters, and Weebills. Other things of interest included 2 Red-browed Finches (the first here for some time), a brown Rose Robin, a Wedge-tailed Eagle, and 2 Common Bronzewings. Summer migrants
were conspicuous by their absence with just a couple of Rufous Whistlers noted. A couple of weeks ago every flowering mistletoe in the reserve seemed to have Noisy Friarbirds in it, none at all today. Several small flocks of Yellow-faced Honeyeaters were moving