Dear all,
COG will again be holding a stall at the Connect and Participate Expo (CAP Expo) at the Old Bus Depot
Building, 21 Wentworth Avenue Kingston, on 25 March, along with many other organisations.
I will coordinate COG’s effort and will be there all day, but I am seeking assistance from members who would be willing to spare an hour or two between 10:30 am and 4:30pm.
Assistance entails assisting with setup if you come early, interacting with the public between 11 and 3:30, or assisting with packing up if you prefer to be there at the end of the day. It is a vibrant event which attracts a good crowd, so it is a perfect
opportunity to explain to the public what COG does.
It is not an onerous task, as most of the questions from the public are straight forward.
You may also wish to have a look around at the other stalls before or after your COG commitment.
If you are not available on 25 March, but are willing to assist in the future, put 2 April 2017 in your diary, as we will be participating in the
Tidbinbilla Open Day and will be seeking assistance for that as well. More info closer to the day. The website is not yet available.
If you would like more information please give me a call on 0412 788 791.
Yours sincerely
Lia Battisson